BIBLIOTECA MANUEL BELGRANO - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - UNC

Argentina :

Argentina : health insurance for the poor / Banco Mundial - Washington, D.C. World Bank 1999 - paginación irregular : il. - Project appraisal document no. 19508 .

Incluye bibliografía

A. Project development objective -- B. Strategic context -- C. Project description summary -- D. Summary project analysis -- E. Sustainability and risks -- F. Main loan conditions -- G. Readiness for implementation -- H. Compliance with Bank policies

The Health Insurance for the Poor Project, will assist the Government of Argentina in the development of legal, institutional, and financial frameworks, to establish the proposed pilot health insurance scheme for the poor, in selected provinces, to be eventually, replicated throughout the country. However, significant risks are involved, namely radical changes in public health financing, which require long term structural, and political reform commitments. The project components are included in three parts: 1) Part A, the enrollment data, will identify the eligibility criteria, based on different poverty measures, and includes a questionnaire design for on-site surveys. The enrollment database of uninsured poor will be established, with adequate systems to implement regular updates. The design, and distribution of identification cards for beneficiaries, will be achieved, including a communications campaign to the targeted population, and network providers. 2) Part B, will establish the legal framework for the proposed health insurance, identifying a fiscally affordable health benefits package, and alternative health plans. Network providers will be selected from the public, and private sectors, and payments systems will be designed. 3) Part C, will prepare activities for long-term sustainability, and will support monitoring and evaluation of project indicators, administered by the Coordination Unit.





Bv. Enrique Barros s/n - Ciudad Universitaria. X5000HRV-Córdoba, Argentina - Tel. 00-54-351-4437300, Interno 48505
Horario de Atención: Lunes a Viernes de 8 a 18

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