BIBLIOTECA MANUEL BELGRANO - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - UNC

General topoplogy /

Nicolas Bourbaki, seudónimo colectivo de un grupo de matemáticos franceses

General topoplogy / Elements of mathematics : general topology Nicolas Bourbaki. - Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1966 - 2 v.

Título original: Eléments de mathématique, topolgie générale.

Incluye bibliografía.

v.1: 1. Topological structures -- 2. Uniform structeres -- 3. Topological groups -- 4. Real numbers. -- v.2: 5. One-parameter groups -- 6. Real number spaces and projective spaces -- 7. The additive groups Rn -- 8. Complex numbers -- 9. Use of real numbers in general topology -- 10. Function spaces.




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