BIBLIOTECA MANUEL BELGRANO - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - UNC

Bayesian regression modeling with INLA /

Wang, Xiaofeng

Bayesian regression modeling with INLA / Xiaofeng Wang, Yu Ryan Yue, Julian J. Faraway. - 1rst ed. - Boca Raton, Fl. : CRC Press, c2018 - xii, 312 p. - Chapman & Hall/CRC computer science & data analysis series .

Bibliografía: p. 297-308.

1. Introduction -- 2. Theory of INLA -- 3. Bayesian linear regression -- 4. Generalized linear models -- 5. Linear mixed and generalized linear mixed models -- 6. Survival analysis -- 7. Random walk models for smoothing methods -- 8. Gaussian process regression -- 9. Additive and generalized additive models -- 10. Errors-in-variables regression -- 11. Miscellaneous topics in INLA -- Appendix A: Installation -- Appendix B: Uninformative priors in linear regression -- Bibliography.

INLA stands for Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations, which is a new method for fitting a broad class of Bayesian regression models. No samples of the posterior marginal distributions need to be drawn using INLA, so it is a computationally convenient alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), the standard tool for Bayesian inference.

Bayesian Regression Modeling with INLA covers a wide range of modern regression models and focuses on the INLA technique for building Bayesian models using real-world data and assessing their validity. A key theme throughout the book is that it makes sense to demonstrate the interplay of theory and practice with reproducible studies. Complete R commands are provided for each example, and a supporting website holds all of the data described in the book. An R package including the data and additional functions in the book is available to download.
The book is aimed at readers who have a basic knowledge of statistical theory and Bayesian methodology. It gets readers up to date on the latest in Bayesian inference using INLA and prepares them for sophisticated, real-world work.





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